Is good skin purely genetic?

There’s an old saying, “Daughters eventually end up looking like their mothers.” But is that accurate? Is it possible that the future of our skin has been predetermined by our genetics? The answer is yes and no. Genetics can be responsible for a predisposition to certain skin conditions, such as acne and eczema, as well as melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. On the brighter side, skin elasticity can be genetic to some degree, so if your mother has exceptionally youthful skin, you can hope for the same. Despite this, there is overwhelming research that shows the most common signs of aging are exacerbated by lifestyle. So even if your mother passed down glowing skin genes, you may look older more quickly if you make poor lifestyle choices. It is well known that sun exposure is the #1 cause for premature skin aging (as well as skin cancer). But other environmental factors can drastically increase wrinkles, pigmentation, and a lackluster complexion. These include cigarette smoking, poor diet and exercise, and free radicals. If you refrain from smoking, always use sun protection, and maintain a good skincare regimen, your skin will absolutely look more youthful, longer. What is the best thing to pass down to your children? Good habits! Set a good example by not smoking, wearing a minimum SPF 30 everyday, For Final thought following of skin care routine with good product.

While there are many skin care routine suggestions on the social media by dermatologists and experts, we will share below the only the BASIC regimen for good healthy skin

Washing your face morning and night.

  • For dry skin, OILAWIN SOAP with barrier-boosting ingredients,
  • for oily skin and Acne prone skin, ACNEWIN SOAP and 
  • for sensitive skin, Oatsilk Colloidal Oatmeal Body wash filled with colloidal oatmeal.

Applying serum

Can be apply morning and/or night, La Peau Essentielle  CEF 25 Serum, with synergistic antioxidant combination of  Vitamin C, E and Ferulic Acid that improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helps with loss of firmness, and brightens the skin’s complexion. 

Use spot treatment (if needed)

Its best to apply dark spot and acne scar treatment at night. Melaz k provides optimum solution for hyperpigmentation especially since it is clinical grade product for melasma. Scarlite has proven to be effective against scars if used as soon as scars start forming.
Products for acne (Benzoper, Acnoin T, Akneclin and Akneclin Plus) are mentioned in our website and available with most leading dermatologists in the country.

Use of moisturizer (especially for dry and sensitive skin)

Moisturizer both hydrates skin and locks in all the other layers of product you’ve applied. Look for a lightweight lotion for the morning, ideally with SPF 30 or higher. In the evening, you can use a thicker night cream. Multi Lipid Face Cream is light cream for dry and sensitive skin with optimum combination of face oils and Hyaluronic acid. 

 Apply sunscreen

Protecting your skin from UV rays can prevent skin cancer and signs of aging. If your moisturizer doesn’t contain SPF, you still need to wear sunscreen. For chemical sunscreens, wait 20 minutes before going outside for the sunscreen to be effective. Look for broad-spectrum SPF, meaning that your sunscreen protects from both UVA and UVB radiation. Try to use Shadow SPF 30 and 80. 

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